Wednesday, 19 August 2015

SharePoint:How to truncate the text in multiple lines of text field and add a link for full text

Sometimes the text in multiple lines of text field in SharePoint lists are just too long to show. So here I am going to explain how we can reduce the number of characters shown with a link to show the full text.

We can use content editor web part and JavaScript to show only limited number of characters with a hyperlink to show the full text. Below is my list with long texts in multiple lines of text field :

As you can see it's really huge! That's the reason why we have to truncate the text. Here is the plan (I am going to explain each step in detail later in this blog.):
  • First check using the developer tool in browser what is the class name of the HTML tags that's holding the long text.
  • Then write a JavaScript program to get the long text inside that tag, truncate it and then finally add a link to show full text.
  • Next step is to add the Content Editor web part and paste your code in it and save the page.
That's it. No magic. No headache. It's simple.

Checking The Anatomy of SharePoint Page

To be able to truncate the text first we need to get the text. If you don't know how to use developer tool in browser don't worry. Press F12. You should be able to see the tool like this :

Then click on the arrow(in case of IE it's arrow but in chrome it's magnifying glass) and the click on part of the page you want to inspect, in this case the long text. This will show you the tags inside which the text resides. Like this :
  In my case it's inside 'div' with class name "ms-rtestate-field" inside which there is one more 'div' tag with dynamic class name and so on. Please note that in your case it might be little bit different. So modify the JavaScript that I will provide below accordingly.

Cook The JavaScript
Next step is to write JavaScript. Here is the JavaScript :

window.texfull = "" ;
window.onload = function()
   var tds = document.getElementsByTagName("td");
   for(var m=0; m<tds.length; m++)
       if(tds[m].className == "ms-cellstyle ms-vb2")
         var cell = tds[m];
         var cellChilds = cell.childNodes;
         for(var i=0;i<cellChilds.length;i++)
             if(cellChilds[i].className =="ms-rtestate-field")
                var div = cellChilds[i].childNodes[0];
                if(typeof div !== 'undefined')
                    var text = div.innerHTML;
                        if(text.length > 100)
                            textfull = div.innerHTML;
                            text = text.substring(0,100) + "<a href='javascript:alert(textfull);'>...more</a>";
                            div.innerHTML = text;

NOTE: I have used here document.getElementsByTagName to get all 'td' tags and then iterating through all the tags to find a 'td' tag with class name "ms-cellstyle ms-vb2" which holds the text in my case. We could have used "getElementsByClassName" but unfortunately it doesn't work in IE8 or below. So I had to do it like this.
Here I have written code to show the full text as an alert on user clicks on the "...more" link. You can write the URL of the DisplayForm to show item.

Add The Web Part
Then next step is to add a content editor web part to your page. To do that :
  • Go to setting and click on Edit Page.
  •  Click on Insert Web part and then select Content Editor inside Media and Content.

  • Click on Add button. 
  • Then select the Content Editor web part and click on Edit Source button on ribbon on top to add you code.
  • Then save the page and watch the magic happen.

If you face any problem don't hesitate to leave comments. Enjoy!

Saturday, 18 July 2015

Android : Eclipse emulator not starting up (or not found)

While working on Android projects frustrating things do happen. Like the problem with emulator. While ADT is an excellent add on for Eclipse it has one small problem, that is some times emulator doesn't start up. While I am still looking for the reason and permanent solution, I found a temporary solution.
  • Run the CMD
  • Then change the location of command prompt to the location to : path_to_sdk\sdk\platform-tools. For example if your sdk is installed in 'D' drive then your path should be : D:\sdk\platform-tools. To run cmd from this location first type "D:". This should change your default location to D:\>. Next type "cd sdk\platform-tools".
  • The reason why we had to perform the above step is that we have to run adb command.
  • The reason why emulator doesn't start up is because it is not connected to adb so you can verify if you have the same problem by running following command : adb devices. If your device doesn't show up follow the below steps, if it does show up  and still you have the problem it is probably some other issue.
  • Run the following command : adb kill-server
  • Then run : adb start-server
  • Then you can run : adb devices to check if your desired emulator is now connected to adb or not.
Hope this helps some troubled soul like me in future.

Saturday, 18 April 2015

SharePoint List View Threshold

Hello Readers!
In this post I am gonna tell you about SharePoint list view threshold.

List View Threshold

List view threshold is a feature in SharePoint that allows you to limit maximum number of items that can be returned in a query for a list or library. When you understand list view threshold properly you will realize that its your friend not your foe. List view threshold is in place to improve the performance of SharePoint. The default value of list view threshold is 5000 items. Now you may ask why 5000?? What's so special about it? To answer this question we need to go to the back end. SharePoint stores all the data of a site collection in one table called AllUserData. And SQL Server locks a table if the query result exceeds 5000. So if you click on a list view which has more than 5000 items SQL Server will lock the AllUserData table till your query is finished. Till that time all the other users that may be trying to access data in other lists or libraries will have to wait. It's not just this. If you increase the list view threshold then the number of requests that SharePoint can handle decreases drastically.

Still sometimes it becomes necessary to increase the list view threshold limit till you find some permanent solution. You can do that by going to Central Admin --> Manage Web Application --> select your web application --> General Settings --> Resource Throttling.
But remember this is not permanent solution. There are few ways in which you can solve the puzzle of list view threshold. One is that you can create views and apply filters to limit the number of items returned for that view. But we know its not possible every time. So other solution is to move the items into folders on some basis of some categories. For example you can move documents into the folders of years and months according to their Created By date. In my next blog post I will explain how you can move large number of list items into folders using PowerShell Script.

Stay Tuned!

Sunday, 12 April 2015

PowerShell : Regular Expressions

Greetings people of Earth!

In this article we will discuss about Regular Expressions in PowerShell. Those who have watched Interstellar movie already know that in some situations time becomes precious for us like any other resources. We have to save it! And those who have been in a situation where our dear and kind boss shouts at us "why is this not done?", "why is your program taking so long to run?", "What kind of shit code have you written", know even better the value of time. And that's why I am writing about Regular Expressions.

The beauty of regular expression is that its faster than other string searching or matching methods. But it might seem complicated if you don't understand them. But once you understand them, they become your best friend. Now you may ask why is it faster?
Regular Expressions are faster because they use smarter algorithms like Boyer-Moore string search algorithms. It doesn't go through the whole text matching all the characters with the pattern. It skips characters in between which improves the performance. If you want to learn more on that you can visit the link above.

Before diving into regex functions let's take a look into some basic symbols you will come across.

               \ used to instruct compiler not to consider any special meaning of the next character.
               * represents 0 or more characters. Ex- a*
               + represents 1 or more characters. Ex- a+
               ? represents 0 or 1 character. Ex- a?
               . match any character except newline.
               [] match any single character from within the brackets. you can also specify range like [a-z] or [0-9]
               [^] match any character except those in brackets.
               ^ represents the beginning of a line. Ex- ^ab matches 'ab' in the beginning of newline.
               $ represents the end of line.
               {n,} used to represent a pattern repeated n or more number of times.
               {,n} used to represent a pattern repeated n or less than n number of times.
               {n} used to represent a pattern repeated exactly n of times.

These are some symbols you will find more often while working with regular expressions. Now I will show you some examples of regular expressions. I would suggest you to first think yourself to form a regex before looking into pattern I have given.

    - apple is a fruit apple
suppose you want to remove the second 'apple' then your regular expression would be "apple$"

$string = "apple is a fruit apple"
$string = $string -replace "apple$" , ""

    - CN=Andy/OU=ROY/AP=US
Suppose this is a string from which you want to remove the character before '=' so that resulting string is Andy/ROY/US. 

$string = "CN=Andy/OU=ROY/AP=US"
$string = $string -replace "[A-Z]{2}=",""

write-host $string

This expression replaces 2 alphabets before "=" with a blank.
NOTE : "replace" function is case insensitive so it considers it will consider "cn=" and "CN=" the same.
Suppose our string is : "Cn=Andy/OU=ROY/AP=US"
and you don't want to remove small case letters then you can use below script

$string = "Cn=Andy/OU=ROY/AP=US"
$string = $string -creplace "[A-Z]{2}=",""
write-host $string

This is will give below result :

Suppose the string is :
Then you can use the below script :

Here '[A-Z]{1,3}=' matches atleast 1 and atmost 3 alphabets before '='.
Now suppose you have a string like this :
"<body><p attr="some attribute value">some text that you want to retain</p></html>"
This is a scenario that I have faced where a SharePoint column had all junk data like this from source and I had to remove all the unwanted characters. I have simplified the string and kept only html tags to make it simple for you.
You can remove all the html tags with this regex : "<.+?>"

This is the power of regular expressions. The longer your pattern is the faster it works. There are still many types of patterns to discuss. But it's not possible to discuss all scenarios. So if you have any doubts regarding any regular expression feel free to comment below or mail me.
Have a nice day!

Monday, 6 April 2015

SharePoint : Update Managed Metadata Column Using PowerShell

Greetings Readers!
In this blog we will discuss how to update the managed metadata column of a SharePoint site. Those who have worked on it can understand how frustrating it is to try to update it without knowing the proper way. I remember the first time when I had tried to write a PowerShell script to update values of a taxonomy field of document library. I was stuck like anything. But I assure you once you know the correct way to reference a SharePoint Managed Metadata field it becomes very easy.

Here is a sample script showing how to do it.

$siteobj = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite("http://your-site-url")
$web = Get-SPWeb "http://your-site-url"
#creating the taxonomy session object
$session = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.TaxonomySession($siteobj)
if($session -eq $null)
        Write-Host "Failed to create taxonomy session"
#Getting the term (new value) to which we want to update the column
$termstore = $session.TermStores["termstore name"]
$group = $termstore.Groups["group name"]
$termset = $group.TermSets["termset name"]
$term = $termset.Terms["term name"]
#List/Library we want to update
$list = $web.Lists["your list name"]
$taxfield =  $list.Fields["your column"] -as [Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.TaxonomyField]
foreach($item in $list.Items)
      #SetFieldValue function is used to update taxonomy field
      write-host $_.exception

        if($web -ne $null)
              write-host -ForegroundColor Green "Disposing the web Object.."


You can make an input xml file from where you can read the values and do it for multiple site collections in one run. Now you can see how simple it is to update the taxonomy fields. In the end we have used SystemUpdate() function to preserve the metadata of the item like modified, modified by etc. If you don't want then you can use Update or UpdateVersionOverwrite. If you are not sure which one to use visit my previous blog where I have explained their differences. If you have any queries you can leave comments or mail me. Now it's time for a SharePoint fact.

FACT : We all know SharePoint web parts. We can add a web part to a page in a web part zone or outside it. So you will ask what's the difference? The difference is that if you add a web part in web part zone, the properties of that web part are stored in content database and users can view and edit it through browser. But if web parts are added outside the web part zone then it is stored in the aspx page and users can't edit it through browser. They can only see it. So add wisely!

Thursday, 19 March 2015

How to hide SharePoint list group by labels

Hello Reader! Hope you are fine.
In this post I am going to tell you a very nice and easy trick to hide the group by labels or headings in grouped SharePoint list view. I don't know if you have faced such requirement yet but trust me there is a huge possibility of it. It is weird though isn't it? Why would you even want to hide it? If you have applied a group by why would you want to hide it? I don't know about you guys but the first thing that came to my mind is this. But anyways we have to do what our 'kindhearted' and 'soft-spoken' boss wants us to do. So lets start our mission!

There are 2 ways of doing it . One is to use CSS and other is using JavaScript. I'll be using JavaScript here because that's more flexible and you know that's what I do... provide you better solutions ;-).
Okay lets get serious now. We will use JavaScript in content editor web part to achieve our target.

First step is to note down the class name of the group by labels you want to hide. You can find it out using developer tools in our browsers.
How to find a page element
  • Simply press F12 and you can see a small pane with page source.
  • Then select the element (group by label) to find it in page source. If you don't know how to select an element don't worry. For Internet Explorer click on the button with arrow symbol on top left corner. Or in Google Chrome click on the button that looks like a magnifying glass, then click on the element on page that you want to find on the page source.
  • Now find the class name of the group by labels. It may look something like "ms-gb". It will be same for all the labels through out the page.
Now that we have the class name of the elements we want to hide, we can proceed further.
Add a Content Editor Web Part to your page(where you want to hide labels).

How to add Content Editor Web Part
Steps to add a Content Editor web part :
  • Click on the site settings button.
  • Click on 'Edit Page'.
  • Click on 'Insert' in Ribbon on top.
  • Click on Web Part.
  • Select 'Media and Content' from category of web parts.
  • Then select Content Editor and click Add button.

Next click on the Content Editor web part and then click on 'Edit Source' on top.

Then you can write your code in a box that pops up. You can write this code to hide the group by labels :

<script language="javascript">
window.onload = function ()
var myele = document.getElementsByClassName('ms-gb')
for(var i=0;i<myele.length;i++)
// if you have more that one group by condition 
var myele1 = document.getElementsByClassName('ms-gb2') 
for(var i=0;i<myele1.length;i++)

I must warn you this may cause flickering on screen. By flicker I mean the group by labels would be first visible for a second or so then it will disappear. This may not look so good. But only way that I know of to avoid this is to use CSS in page source. But editing the page source cannot be an option always. Like in my case it wasn't an option (so I had to live with it) because 1--> It was client's site   2--> If you hide it using CSS in page source it will hide the labels in all the pages of the list view. I'll explain this.

In your SharePoint list if you have folders or document sets on first level and then data inside it, CSS in page source or the JavaScript I have written above will hide the labels in all the levels(i.e for the items inside folders also). If you want to hide it only in say, first level you have to tweak the code. You have to differentiate the first page of the list from other pages (pages that come after clicking on folders) in your code. Now you understand why I had said earlier JavaScript is more flexible approach?
If you look closely when you click on a folder in your list, it doesn't go to a new page, it just adds parameters to it. For example if your list URL is something like this - https://servername/sites/sitename/mylist.aspx , then clicking on folder will take you to "siteurl/mylist?RootFolder=%something%". So I thought of a simple way to apply the script only on first page.
Use the JavaScript 'slice' function to get the last part of the URL.

<script language="javascript">

window.onload = function ()

var url = document.URL          //considering your list url is the one given above
var lastpart = url.slice(-11,-1)  //this returns mylist.asp (without the 'x')
if(lastpart == "mylist.asp" || url.indexOf('mylist.aspx?View')>0)
  var myele = document.getElementsByClassName('ms-gb')
  for(var i=0;i<myele.length;i++)
  var myele1 = document.getElementsByClassName('ms-gb2')
  for(var i=0;i<myele1.length;i++)


We have used "url.indexOf(''mylist.aspx?View)>0" because when you go back to first page of list from inside of any folder by clicking on bread crumb link of list on top it appends '?View' to the URL.

Finally I would like to mention that if you have multiple lists where you want to implement this you don't have to place this code in content editor in each of the pages. You can write your code something like :

<script language="javascript">

window.onload = function ()
var url = document.URL
if(url.indexOf('mylist.aspx') > -1) // to identify if

 var lastpart = url.slice(-11,-1)
 if(lastpart == "mylist.asp" || url.indexOf('mylist.aspx?View')>0)
    var myele = document.getElementsByClassName('ms-gb')
  for(var i=0;i<myele.length;i++)
  var myele1 = document.getElementsByClassName('ms-gb2')
  for(var i=0;i<myele1.length;i++)
else if(url.indexOf(mylist1.aspx') > -1)
 var lastpart = url.slice(-12,-1)
 if(lastpart == "mylist1.asp" || url.indexOf(mylist1.aspx?View')>0)
  var myele = document.getElementsByClassName('ms-gb')
  for(var i=0;i<myele.length;i++)
  var myele1 = document.getElementsByClassName('ms-gb2')
  for(var i=0;i<myele1.length;i++)


Then you can paste this code in a text file(.txt) and upload it in style library (in Site Contents) of your top level site (not in subsite) . Then paste the link of this txt file in content link of content editor.
  • Click on Edit page
  • Click of content editor Edit Web Part
  • paste the link of the text file with script in content link.
  • Click OK.
After this the Content Editor web part gets the code from the file in style library. Its a better way to manage your codes.

SharePoint Facts

SharePoint 2013 came with a lot of new features. One of them is "Device Channels". It was introduced to enable users to view SharePoint sites in mobile devices like smart phones, tablets etc.
You can create different device channels for different devices and specify different master pages or CSS files for different devices. It matches the 'User Agent' substring that comes with a Http request from device browser with the device channels User Agent substring that we provide in inclusion rule like "windows phone OS" etc and applies the CSS file for that device. Pretty cool right?

Friday, 13 March 2015

SharePoint : Update() vs SystemUpdate() vs UpdateVersionOverwrite()

As Arnold in 'The Terminator' I am back as a savior but ofcourse with SharePoint solutions. Today I will tell you the difference between 3 little methods to update a SharePoint list item that often confuse people new to SharePoint. It confuses because all the three functions have same basic functionality i.e. update an item. Then how to decide which one to use? Below are the differences :

                 Update                                SystemUpdate                              UpdateOverwriteVersion        

Updates the item in database

Updates the item in database

Updates the item in database

Updates the 'modified' and 'modified by' value

Doesn't change the 'modified' and 'modified by' fields. Updates the 'modified' and 'modified by' value

Creates a new Version

Doesn't create a new version Doesn't create a new version

NOTE : While working on one of such requirements (in SharePoint 2013) I have found out that UpdateOverwriteVersion doesn't increment the minor versions but if the version of an item is a major it increments its version. For example if your item version is 2.0 it may change it to 2.1. If you are not okay with that you can use SystemUpdate. If you want to preserve the metadata i.e. if you want the "modified" and "modified by" fields to remain unchanged you can add these to lines to your code :

$item["modified"] = $item["modified"]
$item["modified by"] = $item["modified by"]

(For SystemUpdate you don't have worry about it. But if these 2 fields are getting updated you can preserve it like this.)
what it does is keeps your field values unchanged. If it doesn't work you can try it with $web.AllowUnsafeUpdate=$true. After you are done with all the changes you can set it to false. 'AllowUnsafeUpdate=$false' protects you from cross site scripting.

Okay... this is all I had to say on this topic. I have decided to feed you with some interesting facts about SharePoint at the end of every article from now on.

FACT : In SharePoint a list or library item can only occupy a maximum of 8000 bytes in content database out of which 256 bytes are reserved for built-in columns.

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Export/Import SharePoint List/Library using PowerShell

Hi all! I am back again as promised with my next blog. In my last blog (Migrate SharePoint List\Library from one site to another site in different server) I discussed how we can take a backup or export a SharePoint list or library from source site and restore or import it in target site using 'save as template' approach and the 'Granular Backup' approach.

Now we will explore the most flexible way of doing it and undoubtedly the most powerful way...The PowerShell! PowerShell is a tool based on .Net framework. Commands that I will be discussing here can also be used in SharePoint Management Shell. I will be showing how to use these commands in PowerShell. Here are links to different sections of this article.

How to use Export Command

First we need to export the list/library from source site in any server,right? For that we have a very handy cmdlet i.e Export-SPWeb. This is also possible through stsadm command line but since that is deprecated since SharePoint 2010 its use is not encouraged. Actually the export of library is a new feature that is added in SharePoint 2013. So lets see how this command works.

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell
Export-SPWeb -Identity "URL of source site" -path "Path\FileName.cmp"
-ItemUrl "internal name of list\library" -IncludeUserSecurity                                                          -IncludeVersions "CurrentVersion" -NoFileCompression -Verbose
Write-Host "List Backup Done!"

This is a very simple script to export a list.
For those of you who are completely new to the PowerShell, don't panic I am gonna walk you through all the statements and parameters.
First statement 'Add-PSSnapin' is used to add one or more snap ins to current PowerShell session. Here it registers a set of cmdlets specific to SharePoint. You can think of it as '#include' in C. :-)
'cls' is just used to clear output screen to make it look neat and less confusing. Next comes the main command- Export-SPWeb. You can use this command to export a site collection,list or library.
Its various parameters and their functions are as follows :
  • Identity - Here we have to pass the url of the site which contains the list we have to export.
  • Path - This specifies the path (including the file name with .cmp extension) where the backup of the list or site is stored.
  • ItemUrl - Here we have to pass the url of the list or library. For example for a list it may be like "/lists/mylist". Note: For libraries it will be like "/LibraryName" without "/lists/". You can get this from the url of the list in the browser.
  • IcludeUserSecurity - This parameter, if present will preserve the security settings of the list that we are exporting (only if the list doesn't have a broken inheritance or item level permission).
  • IncludeVersions - This indicates the list item version history to include in the export operation. It can take values of - LastMajor | CurrentVersion | LastMajorAndMinor | All. If we don't use this parameter it takes default value i.e LastMajor.
  • NoFileCompression - This parameter is used to enable or disable file compression. If you have large number of items you can use file compression to increase your performance. It is estimated to increase the performance by 30%.
There are many more parameters. If you want a detailed explanation you can visit this site.
Note: If you want to overwrite existing export files in the given path you can use -Force parameter.

Sounds simple right! Just write the command and required parameters and you have your list backup ready with versions also. Now our aim is to import it to any target site.

How to use Import Command

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell
Import-SPWeb -Identity "Your target site url" -UpdateVersions Overwrite                                  -IncludeUserSecurity        -Path "yourpath\file.cmp" -NoFileCompression -Verbose
Write-host "Import Completed!"

This command here imports the list that you had exported using the Export-SPWeb command on top.
Below is the explanation for parameters I have used :
  • Identity -  We have to pass the url of the target site where we want to restore the list.
  • UpdateVersion - This parameter is used to specify what do you want to do in case the file being imported is already present in the destination library. It takes three values Add, Overwrite, Ignore. Add just adds the file with conflict as a new file with different version. Overwrite as the name suggests replaces the old files (for only the files with conflicts) with new files that were exported earlier. What it does is while importing if a file is found to be already present in the target lis then it deletes all the old versions of the file and then imports it. Ignore doesn't import the file in case of conflict. It just leaves the file as it is.
  • Other parameters work exactly the same way as in case of Export-SPWeb.
NOTE: You can use -NoFileCompression in Import command only if you have used it while exporting.
NOTE: If the library from which you have exported is already present in destination site it imports the items in that library else it creates a new library by that name.

There is an interesting scenario I will discuss here from my own experience here. These commands work perfectly even if the version setting in SharePoint library is disabled too. We had this requirement in our project and we were not sure how does these commands behave in case the version setting is disabled. So after some research I found out that you can export current version for all the items and then import as overwrite. In case of SharePoint library it compares the 'Name' field of library (which has the Name of document), to determine if the item is already present. Then it just overwrites all the other changes in item. If the 'Name' field of item is changed then it creates a new item in destination list.

So now we know how to shut the mouth of our pushing boss who wants us migrate all the SharePoint content from one server to another. I have tried my best to make it understandable and simple. I am not a professional blogger. So if there is any improvement you want please do leave comments or suggestions so that it will help us both. If there is any query feel free to ask in comments.

I'll be back! Hasta La Vista.

You can also check out my other blogs here.

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Export/Import SharePoint List/Library from one site to another in different server

When you are working on a SharePoint Project you may face the requirement to migrate a list or library from one site to another site (could be on same or different server) more often than you think.
If your boss is pushing you to migrate a list from one site to another and you have no clue about how to do it, you have reached the right place.
There are 3 ways that I know of in which this can be achieved.
I am going to explain all three options with special focus to the third one because that's the most important and the most flexible.

Save List/Library As Template

While the first one is the easiest of all, it provides the least flexibility. All you have to do is :
go to the list/library settings and click on save list as template. You can choose to save the template with or without content. You should have permission to manage lists.

There are two drawbacks with this method.
  1. If the list or library is very large in size then it becomes very difficult to take backup and restore. There is a workaround for this also. But that requires you to be SharePoint administrator. What you can do is, increase the maximum upload size limit in central admin. In SharePoint 2013 its 200 Mb by default. Go to central admin --> Manage Web Application --> Select Application -> General Settings  --> set the maximum upload size.  For more information you can visit this link.
  2. Second issue is if you already have a list in your target site and you want to overwrite it or just add new items that is not possible using this method.
  3. Security settings of the list are not saved in the .stp file (list template).
If these three drawbacks are not your concern then you can go ahead with this option. Just download the saved list from source SharePoint site(.stp file) and upload it in your target site (in any server, just copy and paste the .stp file in target server) just like normal files. You can upload it in solutions gallery in site settings page.
List templates include all the columns, fields and views that you have created for the list.
For more information click here.

Granular Backup and Restore

Second approach is to use the "Granular Backup" option available in central administration page under Backup and Restore. All you have to do is :

  1. Select the site collection and site.
  2. Select the list that you want to backup.
  3. Give the path where you want to store the backup including the filename.cmp. eg- C:\backup\listname.cmp.
  4. You can check the export full security check box. It will export the users in the site.
  5. You can select what versions of files in the list you want to export (All versions, Current version etc)

As you can see this option has comparatively more flexibility than first option. But there is no facility in central administration to help import a list/library through UI. You have to use PowerShell command to import the list to target site.

Now we are left with the last option. Since that is big topic and needs special attention I am going to cover that in my next blog stay tuned. Stay healthy! Oh and please don't forget your valuable comments and suggestions so that I can provide better quality blogs. Peace Out!

Saturday, 28 February 2015

Welcome SharePoint And Android Geeks!

Frank Zappa once said - "So many books, so little time." Although it couldn't have been truer, for me the modified version seems to be more applicable. And the modified version is "So many articles, so little time". And who is the great person who said this? That would be me ;-).  Just kidding.

But seriously, jokes apart this modified quote is very true in current scenario. If you are reading this blog it means you are definitely a tech enthusiast like me. And if you are a tech enthusiast it means you must have definitely faced a situation when you were stuck in the middle of solving an issue but couldn't find a guide or a good article on the internet to provide you a hint. If it hasn't happened yet, it may happen in future. I am not ashamed to admit that I have been stuck hopelessly many times while working on Android , Java or even SharePoint. Sometimes it happens that you find a great article that solves your problem but haven't explained something that can leave someone new to the technology confused. That's the reason why I decided to start my blog so that you don't have to face the kind of frustration that I had to face as a newbie. There are many good resources already on internet on SharePoint and Android. But it becomes difficult to search them all. So I'll also be providing you links to some good resources in my blogs for more information whenever necessary. You are free to leave your valuable comments and suggestions. I'll try my best to implement those. In this blog I'll share with you the solutions to the issues that I have faced while working with SharePoint and Android and solutions to the issues that I WILL face in future.

So that's the plan. Sounds great, doesn't it? I am really excited to start this blog and help others.

Thanks for reading this post and again,WELCOME GEEK!

Hope to see you again shortly.